Datawalls became a long-term partner of the startup, developing their ordering management software as a service and helping raise 320,000$ in funding.



Daily Meal is a Canadian Meal kit company based  in Ontario. As of the end of 2018, the corporation numbers seven key business divisions, 300k+ customers, and 90+ employees around Canada. Throughout over 5 years of operation, Daily Mea has become one of the largest meals company in Canada.



One of the fastest growing meal delivery service turned to Datawalls with an ambitious challenge.

Datawalls became their partner of choice due to our expertise in business process automation for the telecom industry, including high-load real-time operating systems.

Daily Meal wanted to replace the third-party software they were using with a brand new billing and rating system (BRS) in order to get rid of the issues altogether and speed up data processing



To ensure that the technology renovation goes in line with the business changes, Datawalls offered the Customer to start with the business analysis stage. A dedicated team of business analysts investigated and described the company’s business processes using the established methodologies and tools of business process modeling, including:

  • Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)
  • Unified Modeling Language (UML)
  • Corel iGrafx, Sparx Enterprise Architect

Datawalls business analysts had a series of meetings and workshops with the Customer’s managers and domain experts, which enabled the involved parties to rethink the existing business workflows and elaborate on the optimal ways of putting them into practice through a brand-new ERP solution.

Datawalls professionals applied their extensive experience in enterprise software development to rework the implemented the software in accordance with the outlined goals and results of the business analysts’ work.

The custom system automates the Customer’s key business processes through three core modules:

  • The Automobile Sales Center Module ensures the car retail and wholesale operations, as well as provides customer relationship management features.
  • The Billing Module fosters the retail and wholesale operations for spare parts and accessories, and provides the toolset for warehouse control management.
  • The Customer Service Module serves to automate the after-sales and repair processes.


The custom management system is built on the Java platform that involves a great number of core Java technologies, such as JPA, BPEL, Spring Framework (Boot, Data, Security), etc.

From the architecture perspective, the solution represents a traditional multi-tier application with the client side that includes a thin web client (build with lightweight HTML and JavaScript) and the server side. The architecture includes the database, business logic, and presentation layers. The team used the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) to create business processes, which added flexibility to the system’s business logic.
The custom ERP software environment includes the following components:

  • Wildfly as the application server for Java services
  • PostgreSQL as the database server
  • Additional OpenESB and Oracle BPEL components to support business processes

Datawalls chose the technology stack keeping in mind the Customer’s requirements to reduce the ERP’s TCO and relying on the prototyping test results.

The custom system can be installed as a cluster (horizontally scaled), which ensures its high performance and stability. The clustering is done at two levels: the application server level (Wildfly) and the database level (the multi-master replication variant). During the clustering of the application server, the user session is replicated, which makes the system more stable.

To build an effective requirements management process, project reporting, and time management, the project team was using Atlassian JIRA. Atlassian Confluence was used to create a corporate wiki that covers the development process, describes the system at the architecture and functional levels, as well as provides the guidelines on further customization, support, and effective use of the custom ERP by different user groups.



Datawalls successfully accomplished the custom development in line with Daily Meal requirements.

Daily Meal meal planner software allows you to quickly generate effective and precise meal plans that cater to the unique nutritional needs of each client. You can even communicate with your clients directly through the online program, potentially reducing the number of phone calls received at your office. This may also allow you to respond faster when a customer has a question, and you know that fast customer service is critical to client retention.

The website allow customers to use the software as a progress tracking tool. They can upload progress pictures and record their weight, motivating themselves to keep following the plan.

The multi-tier architecture guarantees a lower cost of the system’s further modification. As the solution includes presentation, application, and database layers, the developers can bring in changes to every layer without changing the two others.


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Datawalls developed a custom ERP system for one of the largest Toyota dealerships to foster their business processes through an effective software solution.